Golden, Jordan Michael -
S 352
Goldner, Nicholas Kevork -
S 787
Grady, Mr. and Mrs. Dock -
S 684
Graves, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene -
S 684
Gray, Jonathan M. -
S 205
Greater Galilee Missionary Baptist Church -
S 787
Green, Ethan Aric -
S 205
Green, Margaret G. -
S 787
Green Bay East High School Mock Trial Team -
S 886
Greenberg, Beverly -
S 97
Greendale, Village of -
S 63
Greendale High School Marching Band -
S 421
Greenfield Public Library -
S 263
Grehn, Karl Philip -
S 825
Grenier, Michelle -
S 537
Griesbach, Janet Lee -
S 253
Grinder, Scott E. -
S 843
Gronbeck, Ian Scott -
S 352
Gross-Ackeret, Marlene -
S 842
Grothman, Erik Grant -
S 870,
Grunenwald, Tyrus K. -
S 537
Gryskiewicz, David J. -
S 97
Guldenaar, Rebecca -
S 684
Gurung, Regan A.R. -
S 537
Gurzynski, Theodore A. -
S 886
Haefner, Roland, Sr. -
S 253
Hagler, Mr. and Mrs. James -
S 684
Hahn, Christopher J. -
S 205
Hair, Harold "Buster", Jr. -
S 263
Haldeman, Donald and Beverly -
S 120
Haldeman, Michael -
S 537
Hall, Kathleen "Kathy" -
S 205
Hamilton School District -
S 886
Hanger, Justin Matthew -
S 120
Harley Davidson Powertrain Operations -
S 537
Harper, Matthew Kennedy -
S 205
Harpole, Reuben Keiling, Jr., and Mildred L. -
S 352
Harris, James and Lucy -
S 843
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Reynold -
S 684
Hartwig, Nathan C. -
S 297
Harvey, Walter Francis, Sr. -
S 205
Harvill, Mr. and Mrs. Dale -
S 684
Hatch Public Library -
S 684
Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Earvin -
S 684
Heard, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony -
S 684
Hebert, Brandon James -
S 624
Hempel, Max Philipp -
S 684
Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Chester -
S 684
Henderson, Zachary -
S 624
Hennessy, Brian Andrew -
S 825
Henning, Christopher David -
S 28
Hermen, Ann (Werrebroeck) -
S 472
Hesse, Daniel Lee -
S 431